It's like the recovery disks or partitions that many computers come with so you can restore your computer to how it was when you bought it. The problem with recovery discs in the factory, is that all files you added will be lost, and all programs that you installed after purchasing it will need to reinstall. With the backup image of Windows backup system will also be aware that when you made the backup. Remember that this will be a backup of your system disk, no extra drives or partitions you have installed on your computer.
To create a backup system open the Control Panel, then go to backup and restore. From there, click Create a system image. The steps and pictures below are for computers with Windows 7 and Windows Vista displays to make a little different.
Windows will ask you where you want to save the backup image to. You can choose another drive or partition as well as burning it to a DVD or copying it to a network location if you are on a network.
Once you choose your backup location you can review your settings and then click on Start backup. It will tell you approximately how much space the backup will take although it doesn’t seem to be too accurate.
Next you will see a status bar of the backup progress.
Then you will be given the option to create a system repair disk which you can boot with to use the Windows recovery tools or restore the image you just made.
Finally you will see a message saying the backup completed successfully.
Create A Virtual Hard Disk In Windows 7 - Windows Tips
Windows 7 lets you create virtual drives for applications such as installing other operating systems using programs such as Microsoft Virtual PC, organize your files on different disks, the speed of your system cache files on the virtual disk, and so on ..
Creating a virtual hard disk is a fairly simple process until you know what options to choose from to create it. The first thing is to go to Disk Management by right-clicking a computer icon and select Manage. Then click on the action and create a VHD.
Then you must choose a location to create the virtual hard disk. If you have only one hard disk, so your only option, but if you can not select the drive or partition you want to have enough space to VHD. You can go to the location and name of the virtual disk file, or manually typing in the Location box.
Enter the size in MB, GB or TB for your news reader. Make sure you have enough free disk space to be used to create the virtual hard disk.
Choose whether you want to use a dynamically expanding disk or a disk of fixed size and then click OK.
You will then see your new VHD listed in Disk Management but it will have a different icon and say Not Initialized for its status.
The next step is to right click where it says Disk 1 and choose Initialize Disk.
Then stick with the defaults on the Initialize Disk window that comes up next.
It will then show your new disk but it will say unallocated until you create a volume on the disk. So the next step is to right click the drive and choose New Simple Volume.
Choose how much of the drive you want to use for the new volume. You will most likely use the whole drive for your VHD so the default should be fine.
Then assign it a drive letter of your choosing.
Next you can format the volume and give it a label.
Review your settings and then click Finish to apply the changes.
Your newly created virtual drive will now be ready for use.
If you open up Windows Explorer you can see your new drive there as well and use it just like it was a separate hard drive installed in your computer.
If you want to remove the VHD simply go back to Disk Mangement, right click the virtual drive and choose Detach VHD.
If you check the Delete the virtual hard disk after removing the disk check box then it will delete the drive and any files you had on the drive otherwise it will just detach it from your system so you will not see it anymore.
You can restart it, and then go to connect to store the VHD virtual hard disk. Scroll to the saved virtual hard disk is the first step, hung up. All files have had to drive there when you have the place.
Note that when you restart your computer, you will need to place the virtual disk drive using Computer Management, because it does not start automatically.
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