
5 Tips To Help A Great Blog Comments

1. Read the message

This may seem like common sense, but you would not believe how many comments I get on my blogs, where it is obvious that the person never even read the post. Take the time to read what the post is about, and also take some time to think. If you can not make some kind of comment is on topic, then do not comment.

2. Check out what people are using the name field

Commenting on the blog is fun and all, but we all know that what you really want to reverse and one for the desired anchor text is critical. Unfortunately, not every blog owner seems friendly implementation of the ban anchor text the name field. What you need to do is look at the other comments on the blog, which has already been approved. They are using keywords or names? If you see only the names of the likelihood that your comment can not be acceptable, if you try to use the keyword. If you see some keywords, then go ahead and use you in the name field.

3. Make a smart comment

If you followed step 1 and actually read the whole post, you should be in a good position to make an intelligent observation. One liners like "great post" rarely be accepted for the good blog, so you do not even try! Instead, try to find something that is added to the original message. Perhaps from the point of view of the house, or an example of how you used the points for the post - ". Thanks for posting that it was a good read" something that is seen as adding value to have a better chance of being accepted that something as lame

4. Keep it short and sweet (gentle)

When you want to do clever things to comment on this debate, you do not want to write a novel. Keep your comments short and concise. It is not so short that it is only a few words, but not even 500 words. I do not usually catch about 3 or 4 lines. Also, you want to be polite - do not write negative comments by mail or other commentators. You can disagree if you will, but it's a nice way.

5. Read the test is

It is important that your comments are legible and grammatically correct without spelling errors, so take your time to review it before clicking the send button.

Blog commenting can be a great way to get traffic and backlinks, but by the time they spend on pay, you have to do things. Think of the owners of blogs and create the possibility of good feedback to improve your blog and you can be sure to get your comments accepted nearly all the time!