So you've installed WordPress, downloaded some plugins added content-rich SEO and keywords. SEO What is the next step? WordPress adjustment, making it work more efficiently and stay ahead of their competitors at a time. Learn the little known tricks ...
Stop Google sees the months and days as a keyword for your site
This is a common problem, surprisingly, even though many people do not know yet understood. Register / Log in to Google Webmaster Tools and check the list of keywords. If you see this list during the month, then it's time to get rid of them. Even if you're not using a strategy specific keyword, it is worthwhile to minimize the keywords appear, because usually I'm not a real value.
Tips to get rid of the date of keywords:
* Check the topic, if every day is a link to a comment, if so, replace it with a text-only.
* Removes all tags title in bold and H from the date of the conditions (both in their own voices and comments).
* Avoid the months and the other conditions for post titles, categories and tags.
* Check your presentation file blog. If it shows a long list of links in the month on each page of your site, consider an alternative solution for files that show - maybe a simple 'File' link through their links to the right on the Home page.
* Try to show dates entirely in digital form - but please note that this may be confused with international guests.
Optimize the page title
Again, duplicate content can be a problem here, especially if the structure is used placed on the site name is so common with WordPress installations. All in One SEO Pack lets your name page titles accordingly, but also make sure to use a variety of keywords to get best results.
It 'worth checking in Webmaster Tools, as if Google sees the titles of the pages on your site to be a problem since it is clearly marked. You can also:
* Add manual page titles to make sure they are unique
* Limiting the length of titles, the choice of the most important keywords
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